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Book Review: Get Good With Money

May 01, 20241 min read

Title:  Get Good with Money

Author: Tiffany Aliche

Year Published: 2021

Publisher: Rodale

Description:   Tiffany Aliche, or the Bugetnista as she refers to herself, uses her own story of having to rebuild her finances after some embarrassing decisions which did not go in her favor. This helps the information be more relatable to the reader’s own challenges. The book outlines a 10-step approach to getting on the road to financial recovery if you’ve experienced calamity which leads to a better understanding of how to avoid similar pitfalls in the future, as well as solid tools to create a strong foundation for a prosperous retirement. 

Key takeaways: The book is filled with forgiveness for past decisions while being encouraging of how to improve your financial outlook for the future. The exercises are productive in that they do not require lots of planning nor time to complete. The upbeat nature of the book makes this an easy read with the potential for positive results if the recommendations are implemented. 

Who this book is good for: Anyone interested in both improving their current financial situation gaining a better understanding of why financial literacy is important. The easy-to-follow exercises draw the reader into completing them with little effort. If you are just starting your financial literacy journey this book is definitely a first step in obtaining a better understanding of where to start. 

I'm here to chat with women about sparking some inspiration, offering a bit of encouragement, and helping get those finances back in line. It's all about making those numbers work for you, not the other way around!

Kamili Allen

I'm here to chat with women about sparking some inspiration, offering a bit of encouragement, and helping get those finances back in line. It's all about making those numbers work for you, not the other way around!

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